My parents came to this country as immigrants from Romania and Russia. As a child, my mother was a wonderful, caring and thoughtful role model for me. She taught me the true meaning of “giving back to the community.”

She kept a blue tzedakah box in the kitchen and would put a few pennies in it every day. That was a lot of money back then. She was very involved in Hadassah and the Sisterhood at our Temple.

When we moved from Flint Michigan to San Diego 1949, I became so grateful for the lifestyle here. My family got involved in many charitable organizations, particularly Jewish Family Service of San Diego. We are very proud of their work. They are there to serve San Diegans in need, no matter what their religion.

It is my dream that the next generation of San Diegans will continue to keep alive our Jewish heritage and tradition of Tikkun Olam. Hopefully, my legacy gift will in small way support their efforts to give back to this wonderful community.