I have been blessed with caring parents, Stanley and Debby Seidle, who realized the value of a Jewish education. My earliest memories are of walks to shul with my sister Rachel filled with an excitement and enthusiasm that I now strive to achieve again. My Jewish schooling and the traditions I learned at home provided me with a strong foundation that enable me now to make educated choices about how I practice Judaism.

I’ll never forget a principle passed on by grandfather to my father. He said “It can take years to build a good name, and just moments to destroy it.” This made a significant impression on me, and I have tried to live my life on this basis. Working for the Jewish community allows me to put into action the values that I was taught.

I hope to one day have children of my own as well as nieces and nephews. This legacy is part of my attempt to be an example for them, as others have been role models for me. It gives me great joy to think that, through my legacy, future generations of Jewish leaders will be created.