Elected in November 2022, Shana Hazan is Vice President of the San Diego Unified School Board where she works to ensure all children can reach their full potential. She is also President of Hazan Strategies where she helps organizations answer tough questions and achieve audacious goals to build stronger, healthier communities. Through Hazan Strategies, Shana serves as the managing consultant of San Diego’s Jewish Community Study, which will be released at the end of 2023.

A fourth-generation San Diegan, Shana feels deeply connected to our local Jewish community. She attended Beth Israel Day School from kindergarten to sixth grade and her family has been actively involved at Congregation Beth Israel for more than 50 years. She comes from a long line of trailblazing Jewish women who have given their time, talent, and treasure to address urgent needs and build a thriving San Diego through their service to Jewish and secular causes. She is the great-granddaughter of Anne Ratner, the granddaughter of Pauline Foster and the daughter of Marcia Hazan, and the niece of current JWF Chair Karen Foster Silberman. She is committed to empowering women and has served in leadership roles at Women Give San Diego and Run Women Run – and envisioned and launched the Girls Give Back leadership program for Jewish teens.

Before starting her social impact consulting business, Shana worked for 12 years at Jewish Family Service of San Diego. As Chief Philanthropy Officer at JFS she set strategy for and oversaw the organization’s Development, Institutional Giving and Public Affairs teams, which secured tens of millions of dollars each year to improve the lives of low-income children, families, and older adults. Under her leadership, JFS raised nearly $50 million through an innovative matching endowment campaign. Her unique combination of programmatic, public policy, and strategic fundraising expertise resulted in new partnerships and funding that allowed JFS to expand urgently needed services – while deepening program offerings and shaping local, state, and federal policy to support successful aging and end cycles of poverty.

Previously, Shana developed Jewish Family Service’s nationally recognized model for youth leadership development through service learning. She also worked for ABC News in London, taught elementary school in Chicago Public Schools, and served as Safe Routes to School Director for Active Transportation Alliance in Chicago.

Shana was appointed by Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins to California’s Children & Families Commission (First 5 CA) where she currently serves as Vice Chair. She also serves on the board of Impact Cubed, and as Vice President of the Friends of Franklin Elementary School Foundation. She previously chaired the City of San Diego’s Human Relations Commission.

Shana Hazan
Shana Hazan