The ultimate goal of GLI is to give organizations important management and governance tools that inspire donor confidence.

The Governance Leadership Institute’s mission is to strengthen nonprofit governance practices in the San Diego nonprofit community, to build trust and credibility within organizations and between organizations and the community. The Foundation provides resources in governance best practices and financial integrity to community organizations.

GLI provides a framework and resources for building a culture of strong governance in the community. Outstanding governance practices promote healthy organizations, donor trust, and an enhanced ability to serve the community. Workshops are presented for professionals and lay leaders on relevant topics such as; Building a Great Board, Advancing Your Board Service, Leading with Intent, and Ways to Ensure Financial Integrity.

Contact us to learn more about our board and financial integrity workshops

Sharleen Wallach

Sharleen Wollach,
Executive Vice President and Chief Impact Officer


Governance Leadership Institute Objectives


  • Provide a forum for collaboration among community organizations and strengthen the leadership of the entire community
  • Increase philanthropy and endowments by enhancing donors’ trust in the long-term stability of organizations with strong governance practices
  • Engage experienced, respected community leaders to share their talents and experiences to benefit the community


  • Advance board effectiveness and potential for high-impact results through the knowledge and application of best practices in board governance
  • Build inspired, passionate, productive boards and improve the quality of board service so it is worthwhile and enriching for members
  • Promote transparency and accountability including access to a wide variety of resources


  • Enhance the quality of professional leadership through increased knowledge and application of best practices in management
  • Strengthen the partnership between board and professional staff and empower the team to move the organization to its next level
  • Establish a framework for hiring and supporting professional staff and for effective succession planning

Marty Klitzner Symposium for Financial Integrity

Jewish Community Foundation San Diego hosts the annual Marty Klitzner Symposium for Financial Integrity for professionals and lay leaders of Jewish organizations in San Diego.

The symposium is fittingly named for Marty Klitzner z”l, who blessed our community with expertise, kindness, and service as treasurer of Jewish Community Foundation, Jewish Federation of San Diego County, and Congregation Beth Israel. The symposium was inspired by Marty’s legacy of integrity and fiscal responsibility.

Marty Klitzner
Marty Klitzner z”l

Governance Leadership Institute Community Resources

The Jewish Community Foundation is pleased to provide suggestions for, and access to, resources in the community. Here are three to get you started: