Eva and Strul Goldstein We have always held in our hearts the goal for our family to forever be united and care for one another. This belief and value is created and forged by having a home of love, affection, and continuing support. This has been our guiding principle. As we look beyond our home for the generations to come, we want this goal and value to be extended in the daily lives of our future generations and our community. The Ken Jewish Community is such a place. It has embraced us always, cemented our love of community, and given our family a home away from home. A place to feel safe, a place to feel familiar, and a connection to our traditions we hold so dear. We want the Ken to forever continue in their efforts. The world is constantly changing and the future is impossible to predict, but may the Ken Jewish Community be a home for future generations to find a connection with their past, and most importantly a sense of community with likeminded values, that can serve as beacons of light in the future that lies ahead.