“A tree of life for all who cling to it.” So does King Solomon describe our Torah. The larger the tree, the more sweet and ripened its fruits, the more shade area it creates, the more easily and readily will our children and grandchildren gather around, to eat the fruit, enjoy the shade, and climb upward to find a secure perch within its branches.

When my wife Betty and I moved to San Diego in 1981, we came with our two young boys (ages 2 ½ and 3 months) and applied ourselves to develop Torah education in San Diego, so that this ‘tree of life’ would deepen its roots (permanence) and broaden its appeal (widening the circle of Jewish continuity). We remain determined to continue this work so that the beauty of Torah wisdom should be as apparent to all as is the natural beauty of this beautiful city in which we have made our home and raised our family.

We are thankful to be able to leave a legacy to the Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School so that the Tree of Life will be carefully nurtured, until the time arrives when our Jewish community joins all others and returns to Israel.