I did not belong to a congregation between 1977, when I became Bar Mitzvah, until 2014, when I reached the age of 50. In the intervening
37 years, I often thought about joining a synagogue and finally, in middle age, the time seemed right. More importantly, I found the right place. Temple Solel was the right choice for me and my partner, who had been raised orthodox.

Over the past four years, Temple Solel has become a central part of my life. Like many people, being part of a community like Temple Solel assures me of a bright future for the Jewish people. In the spirit of L’dor vador, one of the things I love most is seeing the grandparents and great grandparents handing down the Torah to the parents who, in-turn, hand down the Torah to the B’nai Mitzvot. I feel a great connection to these generations who came before me. They remind me of long-gone grandparents and great aunts and uncles who were so much a part of my early life and whom I miss dearly and daily.

I have been blessed, through my relationship with my late partner, with generations of step-children, -grandchildren, and -great grandchildren. However, these are not Jewish children. How, then, can I do my part in L’Dor vador and pass on my Jewish legacy to the next generation?

I have included provisions in my will for a portion of my estate to be left to Temple Solel. In this way, I can do my part to ensure that we may continue to thrive as a Jewish people, and as a vibrant Jewish community in San Diego County for generations to come. L’dor vador.